Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 1 - Level 4 FLICKR

Tag some photos on Flickr and your blog:
What is tagging? Tagging is a way of organizing and/or classifying information on the Internet. A tag is a keyword or term given to describe people, events, themes, etc. in a photo. Tags are usually informal and personal and created by the item's creator or viewer. We will do some more tagging when we get to Delicious in Week 3, but here we are strictly going to be tagging photos.
You may have many photos of your storytimes, crafts, programs, and other events at your library. This adds up to A LOT of pictures, which become disorganized and make it difficult when you are looking for one for a brochure, your library web page, posters, or other publications in which you want to advertise or show off the great work you do, or if you want to look back at what worked from previous years. When you save these photos to the web and tag them, you are able to have all your photos in one place you can access from anywhere, and the tags make it easy to find what you are looking for.
Level 4 Exercise:
For this exercise, we are going to be using Flickr. We recommend you take the tour before signing up for your free account. To see a very simple example of tagging, check out a few tagged photos from a Gingerbread House program at Melissa’s library. Click on the pictures and you will see tags that say either Gingerbread, Christmas, Programs, Kids, Winter, or Decoration. If you click on any of the tags, you will be able to see other public photos on Flickr that have the same tags. If ours was a large photo stream it would also take you to our other photos with the same tags as well.
Once you are signed up you are ready to start uploading and tagging you own photos. Once you have done so, please include a link in your blog post so that we may see them. Next, you are going to tag a photo right on your blog. Since we already know how to add photos on Blogger, this part should be easy. After you have chosen the photo you want to tag, simply click on "Labels" at the bottom right hand corner of your blog post. When you are done, blog about your experiences with tagging photos on Flickr and Blogger.
  • Have you ever used flickr before?
  • Could you use this to organize your photos?
  • What other uses could you use flickr for?
(Here is an example of what a tagged photo will look like on Blogger; notice the tags appear at the bottom of this post):

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